Giusy Pirrotta

The Secret Life of Plants

Six channel video on flat screens, 6'00'', looping, no sound, video installation part of the installation "the Secret Life of Plants" at Muse Museo della scienza, Trento

The videos part of the installation "The secret life of Plants" show a selection microscope photos (1) that illustrate the activities of bacterias and pathogenous fungus on plants.
I intervened on the images creating some animations and alterating the original colours in order to stress the organic aspect of such visual material and the feeling of constant life and movement, but also the feeling of an unknown danger. Together with the microscope images there are rendering of audio waves and three-dimensional fields which aim to reproduce the signals emitted by plants, along with a found footage of a short film shot in a forest of Cedrus weeping trees.

(1) Microscope images were gently given by Centro Agroinnova, which conducts research on agri-food sectors to find novel solutions to protect plants by organic treats such as bacteria and fungus. Images of the Heterobasidion Annosum were given by Nicola La Porta and the Department of Sustainable Agroecosystems and Bioresources, Fondazione Edmund Mach.