Giusy Pirrotta


8mm film, colour, silent, 0'23'', loop, 1 slide, slide viewer
2013 installation view Mars Milan

The slide viewer is commonly used to scrutinize a 35mm slide through a magnified lens. In this case it is only possible to see the slide only through the projection beam which projects light and image on the slide viewer islef making the slide perceivable.
The projection hitting part of the slide viewer and the wall is a short loop of 8mm film that shows the test colour countdown and the opening title of "Hawaii path pictorial" - a documentary film about painting in Hawaii Island.
The light flicker of the countdown makes the slide visible only in particular moments and in relation to the position of the viewer around the projector, while the attention on the slide viewer and its image is diverted by the Hawaii dancers performing, this short sequence keeps the light condition stable for few seconds .