Giusy Pirrotta


Installation view at Galleria Massimo de Luca 16mm film 7'15'', colour, no sound, three channel slide projection 240 slides, loop, plexiglass screens, wall screen

The installation is a site specific project thought in relation to the architectural space of the gallery. Red, blue and green light are projected with a three channel slide show creating different layers of colors that break the deepness of the gallery space.
The screens are placed in order to have a middle core that recreates the white light. Colored light are alternated with a selection of images represented in both slides and Film. Flower and garden views are assembled through a book composition structured in a sculptural collage. They are illuminated and shot under red, blue and green light. The original color of the pictures are completed altered. Moreover the images of open landscape and gardens create at first glance an ambiguity between reality and fiction that is unveiled by the developing of the film, when the film studio and the plinths - where the book sculptures are placed- are shown.

Alice Ginaldi in "Tanto tempo fa quando la terra era pita" (A long time ago when the earth was flat) exhibition catalogue;

The new project that Giusy Pirrotta presented in the Exhibition confirms a continuity of thought in relation to previous work on human perception. The conception behind RGB emerges from the equipment; the medium became an investigation of the reverberations of human existence and history. Thanks to the process of additive synthesis, the human eye translates the combination of the three colors - red, blue and green- into white light. This process should not be confused with the subtractive color synthesis involved in the mixing of pigments and inks; it is specific to light and its simultaneous perceptions by the human retina. It is interesting to note that the subtractive color blending (used by painters on the palettes for example) it is a physical procedure, while RGB additive synthesis is a "biological" process, linked exclusively to optical perception. The chromatic purity of each color dissolves in the evanescent annulment of the overlapping ones, producing what we perceive as a pure white light. Pirrotta's work undermines a kind of individualistic and anthropocentric interpretation of reality and reminds us, once again, that the world exists not as a function of man but despite man.